Mass Impact®
A creatine-based pre-workout supplement that helps increase endurance and aids in building muscle.*
Mass Impact® supports muscle building for performance athletes as well as those looking to prevent muscle breakdown.* With creatine as a key ingredient, Mass Impact® helps maintain ATP levels for cellular energy and promotes muscle mass, volume and strength.* The powerful ingredient Sustamine® supports rehydration, energy replenishment and muscle recovery.* Other amino acids help to optimize fat cell and muscle tissue interactions to support lean body mass.*
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Product reviews are moderated for compliance with strict guidelines and reflect the honest opinions expressed by AdvoCare distributors, customers and others who, as indicated, may have received an incentive. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. Results may not be typical and can vary with individual effort, body composition, eating patterns and exercise. Check with your health care provider before starting an AdvoCare product regimen.